Enjoy savings, discounts and other perks at the following outlets participating in the ITE Alumni Privilege Discount Scheme. Please show your ITE Alumni Association Membership Card to enjoy the discounts!
Click this link to view the list of merchants’ discounts.
Members who run their own retail business and wish to offer benefits in the privileges listing may contact Graduate Affairs Department at 6590 2565 or email to: alumnite@ite.edu.sg.
ITE Alumni Ordinary members enjoy free access to ITE’s libraries, located at ITE Headquarters, and the 3 colleges.
Any member who intends to borrow materials from the libraries will be required to apply for library membership.
For enquiries, please call Library and Information Officers, Ms Loh Hui Hong at Tel 6590 2387 or Ms Siti Fauziah at 6590 2580.
All ITE Alumni members will receive a free e-copy of the Association’s 6-monthly magazine “ignITE”, which keeps members informed of the programmes, events and activities of the Association. The e-magazine also carries success stories of Alumni members and ITE graduates besides other relevant news and updates on technical education. Members are encouraged to read the e-magazine to keep in touch.